Haunted Islands? Seriously? Yep, Seriously!

I know, at least in the United States, that every Holloween citizens get a kick out of setting of haunted houses.

In fact, there are television show that focus on that and that only; haunted houses and locations.

Guess what I have never seen? I have never seen or heard of any reference to haunted islands. Have you?

Well, I have discovered that there are at least 10 haunted islands!

Am I the only one who has never conjured up, naturally, a visual connotation of a haunted location in paradise? How about the entire island being the location of the haunting?

I know, right? Here we go!

Source: Shutterstock — The Dunvegan Castle

No. 1: The Dunvegan Castle: This castle is located on the Isle of Skye in Scotland and is reported to be haunted.

Interestingly, the ghosts at this locations are reported to be musically inclined. In fact, if you happen to be there the right day at the right time, you may hear these ghost playing the bagpipes in the south tower of the Dunvegan Castle.

You’ve been informed!

Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, Sicily, Italy; Source: Shutterstock

No. 2: Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, in Sicily, Italy. In the Capuchin Catacombs, their passageways are lined with skull and bones. Sets a mood, doesn’t it? Oh we going big now!

These same passageways house 45 natually mummified bodies. That is correct!

According to reports, these passageways even showcase a scene of a two year old name Rosalia Lombardo’s face.

She was laid to rest in a glass coffin in 1920. Those embalming techniques are impressive, as she looks her age and just like she is sleeping.

No. 3: Located in one of the most popular tourist locations in the United State, Key West, Florida.

There are infamous incidences related to Key West.

One relates to Captain Tony’s Saloon in Fort East Martello. This Saloon is located in a building that was once a morgue, with the accompanying skeletal remains under the floorboard.

Well, according to reports, a woman described as wearing a blue dress is claimed to appear from time to time.

Have you hear of Ernest Hemingway? Well his home is located in Key West and is reportedly another haunted location.

Get this, according to reports, both his wife and he haunts the location.

St. George Town, Bermuda; Source: Shutterstock

No. 4: Bermuda: Finally, something that is actually a caribbean paradise location! I heard that!

The starting point for this conversation is the historic St. George Town. This is a 400 year old town, with 400 year old ghosts!

In fact, it is claimed that this location is haunted by a woman, who turned out to be the last woman on record that was tried for witchcraft.

The entire 21 square mile island is said to host ghosts the likes of Hugh Gray, a hotel owner; and Laura Cox is said to haunt the Orange Valley Road House, the location of her death.

Saint Catalina; Source: Shutterstock

No. 5: Catalina Island

The Catalina island is located 20 miles off the coast of Los Angeles, California, in the United States.

The islands is referred to, by those who claim supernatural fame, as a energy portal that appears to have a magnetic effect on spirits that draws them back instead of releasing them.

There are regular ghost tours to the Catalina island. There are suppose to be that many ghosts here.

One reported ghost encounter here involved a worker who had reportedly died during the construction of the Art Deco-style Catalina Casino. Apparently, he favors the men’s rest room.

Then, there’s the elderly woman in the white robe that frequents the women’s restroom.

Even the author Zane Grey, deceased, has been reported walking on Avalon streets.

Finally, ghost sighting for this location includes Natalie Wood, an actress. She drown offshore of Catalina. According to reports, she roams the Two Harbors beach.

Oahu, Hawaii; Source: Shuterstock

No.6 Oahu, Hawaii

According to legend, Oahu, Hawaii is the home of the Night Marchers. Yep, you read right.

According to local legend, these Night Marchers were the spirits of ancient Hawaiian warriors. They would walk around the streets while carrying torches. Innocent enough, right?

Well, as legend would have it, you had better not look at them.

Then, there are the Choking Ghost of Waikiki. Yep, these ghost attack you while you are asleep.

Whatsmore, the Hilton Hawaiian village is reported to be haunted by a woman in a red dress.

Rose Hall, Jamaica; Source: Shutterstock

No. 7 Rose Hall, Jamaica

Annie Palmer is a famous Jamaican legend in the form of a ghost. She is known as the ‘White Witch of Rose Hall’.

Her reputation is described as a cruel plantation owner that tortured and murdered her slaves and three husbands.

By the way, Annie Palmer was a real person.

As the record stands, many strange and goose bump raising incidences have occurred at Rose Hall, in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

The Venetial Lagoon; Source: Shutterstock

No. 8: The Venetian lagoon is reported to be the most haunted of all locations worldwide.

What’s even more interesting is that the closest you can get to this place is by boat ride.

So, what’s the big deal? Get this, the Poveglia is known to be the home of more than 160,000 bones that belong to decaying, mentally tortured souls.

That is correct. There are 160,000 tortured souls confined here, for CENTURIES!

Eden Brown Estate, Nevis; Source: Shutterstock

No. 9: Eden Brown Estate, Nevis

Returning to the Caribbean, we arrive on the island of Nevis, which can be seen by the naked eye on the neighboring island of Montserrat.

Montserrat and Nevis are very similar. In fact, they both maintain a natural, serene, and tranquil energy.

However, the infamous, mischievous green velvet monkeys of Nevis are distinctly missing from the island of Montserrat.

As tranquil as this island may sound, there is a rather tragic legend attached to the Eden Brown Estate of Nevis.

According to legend, there was an extravagant wedding that occurred here some 200 years ago.

During this wedding, a tragedy occurred that caused the Estate to be cursed and haunted.

Although the details grow more outrageous depending on the local relaying it, what remains consistent is the fact that a dispute erupted between the groom and his best man.

This dispute resulted in both men dueling to the death. Since, I was unable to ascertain if either of the men survived. I can only deduce that this will explain why the Estate is said to be haunted.

Tasmania, Australia; Source: Shutterstock

No. 10: Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania, Australia.

Depending on your age, the Tasmanian devil cartoon character is no stranger, right?

Guess what? There’s a whole place associated to this dude, seriously!

Port Arthur Historic Site is a straight up torture site. In fact, it was a British penal colony in the 19th century.

There are existing tours to its prison cells and autopsy room.

It is reported that 1,000 inmates died in a 47 year period.

Just like it sounds, ghosts are reported to roam everywhere here; the historic streets of Battery Point in Hobart or dark alleys in Launceston.

As for the Tasmanian devil, remember him, will in this location, his screams are enough to make you question changing the date of your return ticket! Just saying…

There you have it, top 10 haunted islands!!!

I sorry if you felt mislead about the tropical island paradise visual in the beginning. I couldn’t help. I thought it would be an effective way to teach you that all islands do not exist in the Caribbean alone. It worked, right?


Karen 'Lioness' Allen's love for English, history, heritage, and culture of the Caribbean has captured oral history in writing. She was born on the mysterious, tiny, island known as Montserrat, one of the world's best kept secrets. Enter 'The Lure' and experience the myths, legends, culture, folklore, and customs.


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Do people live in Montserrat?

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